Uterine Fibroids Treatment in Camp Spring & Waldorf

uterine fibroids treatment camp spring & waldorf


Discover enhanced women’s health and a whole new lease on life through the expert uterine fibroid treatment offered at Surgical Associates Chartered, a beacon of compassionate care in Waldorf & Camp Spring. Uterine fibroids are a prevalent concern among women in their reproductive years. They introduce distinctive challenges that impact both physical comfort and emotional equilibrium.

Surgical Associates Chartered is committed to empowering you with the knowledge to help you foster a deeper understanding of your health and body that serves as the cornerstone for navigating the path toward feeling your best.


Why Uterine Fibroids Are A Major Women’s Health Concern

When it comes to women’s health, uterine fibroids are a more common concern than you’d think. They are non-cancerous growths within the muscular walls of the uterus.

Uterine fibroids can vary in size and number and exhibit diverse appearances, ranging from small, seed-like structures to more substantial masses. These growths which can occur in singular or in groups, can embed themselves within the uterine walls or extend outward, creating a distinctive landscape of concern for women. 


Unraveling the Factors Behind Uterine Fibroid Growth

Surgical Associates Chartered provides expert insight into the factors, guiding patients through a comprehensive understanding of uterine fibroid formation.



  • Genetic Factors: Individuals with a family history of uterine fibroids are at a higher risk of developing these growths. Genetic predispositions can influence the likelihood of fibroid formation.


  • Race: African-American women exhibit a higher predisposition to developing uterine fibroids. While the exact reasons are complex, racial factors play a role in the prevalence of these non-cancerous tumors.


  • Age: The prevalence of uterine fibroids increases with age, peaking in the 30s and 40s. Hormonal changes and cumulative exposure to influencing factors contribute to their development over time.


Navigating The Signs & Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Recognizing signs of uterine fibroids is crucial for early intervention. Common symptoms include:


  • Pelvic pain or pressure: Individuals with uterine fibroids might experience discomfort or a feeling of pressure in the pelvic region. This sensation is often a result of the uterus enlarging due to the presence of non-cancerous growths.

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding: Uterine fibroids can contribute to heavy menstrual bleeding, known as menorrhagia. The presence of fibroids may disrupt the uterine lining, leading to imbalances in menstrual flow and resulting in prolonged or heavy periods.

  • Frequent urination: Fibroids, depending on their size and location, can exert pressure on the bladder, causing a frequent urge to urinate. This symptom is commonly associated with fibroids pressing against or obstructing the bladder, affecting its normal function.

  • Reproductive issues: Uterine fibroids may interfere with reproductive health, potentially causing fertility challenges or complications during pregnancy. Fibroids, depending on their size and location, can obstruct fallopian tubes, interfere with embryo implantation, or lead to complications during pregnancy.


Why You Shouldn’t Leave Uterine Fibroids Untreated

Untreated uterine fibroids can result in persistent pain, excessive bleeding, and fertility issues. Addressing these concerns promptly at Surgical Associates Chartered ensures optimal women’s health and prevents complications.


Expert  Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids

Surgical Associates Chartered offers advanced treatments for uterine fibroids, such as myomectomy and hysterectomy, personalized to meet individual needs. Beyond symptom relief, these treatments improve reproductive health and enhance overall well-being.


Reclaiming Comfort and Confidence By Having Your Uterine Fibroids Treated

Choosing uterine fibroids treatment at Surgical Associates Chartered brings numerous benefits, including:


  • Improved reproductive health: Effective treatment of uterine fibroids can contribute to improved reproductive health, addressing factors that may hinder fertility. By alleviating the impact of fibroids on the reproductive organs, individuals may experience enhanced chances of conception and a smoother pregnancy journey.

  • Reduced pain and discomfort: The removal or reduction of uterine fibroids through various treatment options can significantly alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with this condition. Patients often report relief from pelvic pain, pressure, and other symptoms, leading to a more comfortable daily life.

  • Enhanced overall quality of life: Successfully treating uterine fibroids positively influences the overall quality of life. Individuals may enjoy increased energy levels, improved mental well-being, and the freedom to engage in activities without the limitations imposed by the symptoms of fibroids. This comprehensive improvement contributes to a more fulfilling and active lifestyle.


Our commitment to patient-centric care ensures each individual experiences these benefits with compassion and expertise.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Uterine Fibroids

Can uterine fibroids affect fertility?

While they can impact fertility, our fertility-focused treatments aim to address this concern effectively.


What are the non-surgical options for treating uterine fibroids?

Non-surgical options, including medication, are considered based on individual cases for symptom management.


Is there a risk of uterine fibroids returning after treatment?

Recurrence is possible, but our post-treatment plans minimize chances and address any recurrence promptly.


How long is the recovery period after uterine fibroid surgery?

Recovery varies, and Surgical Associates Chartered provides detailed post-operative guidance for a smooth recovery.


Can I choose a non-surgical approach for uterine fibroids if I plan to have children in the future?

Yes, we consider future family planning when recommending treatment options, ensuring a holistic approach to care.


Why Opt for Surgical Associates Chartered for Uterine Fibroids Treatment

Choose Surgical Associates Chartered for uterine fibroids treatment in Waldorf & Camp Spring. Our experienced team combines expertise with a patient-centric approach, providing specialized treatments with a compassionate touch. Trust us to guide you toward optimal health and confidence in managing uterine fibroids.